l'envie de partager et de découvrir
Ville | Paris, France | |
A partir de | 03/09/2021 | |
Services | Babysitting, Aide aux devoirs, Cours particuliers, Langues | |
Temps | 15h/semaine | |
Contribution | 0€/mois |
I am a being called Vanesa. The explorer through diversity.
Floating through eternal life art _ inner entrails are busking with the self composed experiments through music -playing piano, singing- , photography, performances, writing, philosophy. It all floats with books, theater, cinema, connections with nature.
Fully open for taking on new challenges, learning, developing, growing, helping, sharing, opening the soul.
Have to add, I have a passion for making tasty, healthy and fulfilled food ( vegetarian and vegan mainly ). Good fengshui_ clean environment around me and others, seeing needed help. Also, it doesn't mean that I am stuck at only one interest or place- I can do multiple tasks and to learn/improve my skills in some other motions.
Shel Silverstein // "Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossible, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."
Centres d'intérêts
I strongly value my inner and outside world, it means it matters to be surrounded by good vibes. The atmosphere which we make around us - music, conversations, deeply build tolerance, comprehension about difference - life taste, also includes outside environment. :)
Cours et langues
Autres Anglais